Saturday, January 22, 2011

1948 Hamilton Beach Mixer

A new member of our family came in very handy this morning. 
This fall we were lucky to find a purchase a 1948 Hamilton Beach Mixer with the juicer attachment for less than the cost of a weeks worth of Starbucks coffee. We found the booklet for it at Vintage Books in Vancouver, WA for $4.00.
Today, with an abundance of mandarin oranges, we were able to make fresh orange juice.
Very easy to use, quick and painless clean up and great, fresh juice.
You can have the "good life" without spending too much if you take the time to look for it.

It's been a long time...

since I've had time to be here.
Fall got very busy musically. We played at Festivals and Markets throughout Oregon and Washington.

The garden thrived. We canned and froze the bounty we were blessed with and have learned to use  and enjoy it.

PromoPhoto was blessed with a new, wonderful client Road's End Pottery. You can see some of their work and Eric's great photos at!/album.php?aid=2055731&id=1511128434.
As the famous William Norris quote says “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful”. End of the Road Pottery will fulfill that need.

My partner, Eric and I got married at Winter solstice and the year closed in a whirlwind of music, food and photography with good friends and family.

Spring is nibbling at the edges. Wild geese in massive skeins criss cross the sky several times a day. Blueberry bushes are starting to bud.

Found a source for rabbit manure in sawdust and are mulching around with that. Some warm day I'll dig it in.
Planning more and better boxes for the raised beds. wishing for more blueberry bushes and perhaps a quince.

Right now we have blue sky, bright sun and 41 degrees!

Need to organize the laundry room, sort seeds and make a plan.

Happy New Year!