Planted strawberries Monday. Re-potted Sweet Italian Basil and Lemon Basil yesterday.( they had outgrown their egg cartons) Started White Swan Echinecea, Cilantro and Cinnamon Basil. Couldn't stand it any longer so put the Nasturtiums in their pot by the front door yesterday. They look alright this morning in spite of the rain and wind.
We need to get the garden arch in place between the raised beds. I hope the blueberries will do well in spite of the probability of Asian fruit fly. I'll surround them with marigolds and other herbs and try the yeast and sugar water traps as recommended.
Cherokee Purple Tomatoes and Banana Pepper
Peppers, Roma Tomatoes, White Sage, Lavender (still looks like a weed), Nasturtiums (banished to the outdoors)
Nasturtiums and a rescued pansy in the pot. Strawberries and thyme below.
I think the blueberries look nice in their pots.
Raised beds, blueberries. Work in process.
Happy Spring!